Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Making a Better Coon Hound

Well Coon Hunting is well under way. This is the time of year when the ole coon is up a bare tree, well maybe. Some of these old smart coon can hide in the open, a large nest, a hollow or hole in the tree. Most pick a fir tree with its needles, as a place to hide. We old timers don`t often kill a coon for its hide, the price is not the effort it takes to skin and care for the little money you can get. We just tree him and check the tree to make sure he is there and lead the dogs away. This is one coon you can chase many more times. We enjoy hearing the hounds work the trail and the tree. Each chase makes our hounds better. Let them know how proud of them you are. Make a big fuss at the tree. Telling them how great they are and a little snack of their favorite food is in order. You will find they will hunt for you, because they love to be told how great you think they are.
My best dogs loved the chase and the tree. These hounds were part of my family and they knew it. Treat your hounds like you would treat a best friend or one of your children. They will Hunt for you and make you proud. And they will be proud to have you as a hunting pardner